AEM as a Cloud Service: Experiences and Evolution

Feb 25, 2022, 12:00 – 1:15 AM

AEM Midwest Chapter

AEM Midwest Chapter's inaugural meeting with focus on networking, AEM as a Cloud Service experiences, and discussions for future meeting topics

About this event

Join us for our first Midwest Chapter AEM User Group meeting hosted by ICF Next! Our inaugural meeting will be to get ourselves acquainted, discuss the latest topics and trends, and deep-dive into various topics related to AEM, AEM as a Cloud Service, and other products and offerings where we can get together and "talk shop". 


10 mins: Kickoff Intros, Expectations
30 mins: Experience and Evolution with AEMaaCS
10 mins: What we are looking forward to at Adobe Summit
10 mins: Closing, poll for topics for next meeting

ICF Next is a Platinum Adobe Solution Partner with over 13+ years of experience with Adobe Experience Manager and the Adobe Experience Cloud.


  • Tad Reeves

    ICF Next

    AEM Architect

  • Raf Winterpacht




  • Raf Winterpacht

    AEMUG Leader

  • Meghan Frederick

    AEMUG Leader

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